The Writer's Desk Welcomes Linda Ford

Good morning, Linda Ford here:

My writing space is a small room with desks on three sides, a closet and bookcase on the fourth and a big window looking out on the yard.
I had the window specially installed. It comes down to desk level and uses up most of the wall, which, remember, isn't that big. I've been in this space since we moved here 19 years ago. It was the first room I set up.

I have one desk for the computer, one for note-taking and the third for farm/business stuff. I try to keep everything sorted out. My writing desks are a mess when I'm writing but I know where things are (mostly) and I keep the bills, etc. on the farm desk. Other than putting things on the appropriate desk, I have no wonderful ideas on how to be organized.
I love that I have a door and that I can shut it and hope for some peace and quiet though my family comes and goes at will. I wouldn't have it any other way most days. I'd love more space, room enough for a comfie chair and a treadmill. Right now I need a new keyboard, a new keyboard tray, a new chair and a new floor mat. And I'll soon be needing a new computer. But I haven't found the time for an all-day shopping trip.
Speaking of trips, when I am going to be away from my office for a while I take pens in a variety of colors and a notebook with an elastic to keep it closed. I love using pen and paper.

Rhonda just leaned over and asked what I'm working on now and told me to mention my new release. She really likes the cover of my new release... I wonder why? 

At the moment I am working on a wagon trail story that is the first in a 3-book continuity. As well I am finishing up 3 stories about 3 girls who live in Montana and working on another 6 books I want to do in the Eden Valley Series.

Winning Over the Wrangler is a March release in the Cowboys of Eden Valley series. Three young women have traveled from England to the ranch. Jayne, in Claiming the Cowboy's Heart (Jan. 2104) is sister to Eddie Gardiner who owns the ranch. Sybil is her friend and this is her story. She meets a cowboy with a secret that could destroy them both. I got the idea for this story when I saw a picture of a cowboy on horseback carrying a dog. I wanted to get to know that cowboy.

  Linda, thank you so much for being a part of THE WRITER’S DESK


Unknown said...

So fun to get to peak into Linda's life! Wish I could come to visit.
Who does the covers of your books?

Anonymous said...

The covers are done by the art department at Love Inspired. I provide information that I hope they'll use. This cover is stunning but it isn't 'correct.' lol