Barbour Sells Heartsong Presents to Harlequin

Many people are asking, "What does that mean? What does it mean for the HP authors? What does it mean for Harlequin's Love Inspired authors?" There are many questions and we don't have all the answers yet. But what I do know I learned from Literary Agent Steve Laube . He was kind enough to blog about it.

And, you can also find the press release here.

I think this is great news for the Heartsong Presents book club readers!I'm praying many more books will be bought by Harequin from both Heartsong Presents authors and the Love Inspired authors.

What are your thoughts about this news? Leave a comment!


Roanna said...

I hope that Harlequin continues to use the same guidelines for Heartsong books that Barbour used. I have read some Love Inspired books, but I prefer the format of Heartsong as there was less (if any) divorce & remarriage, etc. If there was a separation between a couple in Heartsong books, usually the couple reconciled which is always the ideal if it can happen.

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled, but I am just a reader that was crying when Barbour dropped the Heartsongs. I don't understand all the ins and outs. I agree with Roanna about the format, but I have had problems with some of the Heartsongs over the years, too. Sometimes things just sneak in that are offensive to me, that just are not offensive to others. I am crying with joy that the series that were started, in particular, will be finished. When Barbour dropped the Mysteries line, they came out with some of the sequels as Hometown Mysteries, and now Spyglass Lane is putting out some of the others as e-books. For someone who gathers series books to sell, this creates quite a mess, but I am grateful to Spyglass Lane for coming through on these great books, too.

Susan Manchester
Jacksonville, FL