Hello Everyone!
I have been using my current work space for about four years. The desk is pretty unique because my husband and I purchased it at a vintage store in our area. We saw it one afternoon and fell in love with it due to some of the unique markings on it that were hand painted. We made an offer on the spot and took it home.
My revelation about writing is fairly simple. Just do it. It doesn't have to be pretty the first time around. For the first draft it's really important to just get the words on the page. Plant yourself in your chair, transport yourself to the world you've created and write write write. You can always go back in and tweak things to make it as perfect as you want it to be. But a blank page will get you nowhere in the writing business.
My favorite writing books are Debra Dixon's "Goal, Motivation and Conflict" and Romance-ology 101 by Julie Lessman. Dixon's book is classic and it yields such a great result if you apply the principles to your work in progress. It really helps to look at your work and examining the GMC. Romance-ology 101 is a great book on creating romantic tension in inspirational romance. I really enjoy this book and I have it on my Kindle where I can refer to it often. Writing Inspirational romance is very specific and there are certain limitations in the genre and nuances we have to emphasize in order to maximize our romantic tension.
What I most love about my writing space is that there is a window right above my computer. I don't have to guess about the weather. There's nothing better than to have the sun shining outside or the snow falling in winter. And this really helps if I'm writing an outdoor scene and I need some visual inspiration.
The two writing tools from my desk I would take with me on a trip would be one of my fancy notebooks and a special pen. I am somewhat obsessed with notebooks and pens, the fancier the better. People in my family buy them for me as presents, which delights me to no end. I like to write on the fly. If I'm waiting for the kids as they take a dance class or a horseback riding lesson, I'm jotting down notes for scenes. And there is something about a fancy pen that makes me feel very empowered and special. I just love them!
The thing that I like least about my space is that it tends to get a bit crowded at times. I don't like that feeling, although it is my own doing. I need to streamline the things in my work area so I don't get distracted or fidgety. I also have a book case next to my desk, which can be very tempting at times.
On my desk I have some special stones that I love to surround myself with for inspiration. The stones each have a word on them. Faith. Love. Creativity. Peace. Cherish. Just looking at these stones helps me focus and reminds me of everything I stand for and hope to create with my words. I also have a candy dish, usually filled with York peppermint patties or mini Reeses cups. I love candles also. I love France and consider myself a Francophile after studying the language for ten years. I have a beautiful Eiffel Tower on my desk adorned with an I Love You ornament my daughter Amber gave me. Basically, I like to surround myself with beautiful things that center me.
I'm currently working on a continuation of the story I began in Reunited with the Sheriff. In my debut Love Inspired book I introduced the heroine, Cassidy Blake, along with her three best friends. Now, one by one, the best friends are getting their own stories. And their happily ever afters.
My new release (a May Love Inspired) is entitled "Forever Her Hero." It is very near and dear to my heart. It centers around Sawyer Trask, a courageous Coast Guard hero, who returns to his hometown in Cape Cod after a year in Africa on a mission. Two years earlier his cousin Billy died tragically, leaving his widow, Ava, to raise their twins alone. Sawyer and Ava were childhood best friends whose close relationship was forever altered when Ava married Billy. Sawyer has always loved Ava, yet never managed to tell her. Although Sawyer's goal is to be a part of the twins' lives, he also is determined to come clean with Ava about the night Billy died, a revelation that could forever alter their relationship.
Thanks so much Rhonda!
1 comment:
Thanks for showcasing my writing desk on your blog Rhonda.
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