The Writer's Desk Welcomes Deborah Raney

I can honestly say that today I am a little star struck. Deborah Raney is an author that I have always enjoyed being around. She is open, honest, friendly and the love of our Lord radiates with her smile and good heart. Today I wanted to present her office in an interview style. Thank you all for joining me as we talk to Deborah about her office.

Welcome, Deborah. I'm excited to have you here and I'm going to jump right into the questions so as not to embarrass you with my gushing. So, is there anything unique about your space?
Probably the most unique thing about my office is the antique post office box that serves as a display case for my mug collection (60+ and counting!) It sits atop a slanted reference desk my dad made, and along with my Keurig coffeemaker creates a great little coffee bar I use every day.

How long have you used this space?
Ken and I just moved to a new home a year ago in March, so this space is new, but a lot of my same furniture came along with me from our last house in the small town we lived in. This is the old office setup:

If you were going on a trip, what two writing tools would you take from your desk besides your computer?
My Keurig coffeemaker and my big desk copy of the Chicago Manual of Style. I know it's available online, but I really like using the hardcopies of reference books. 

What are your favorite writing books?
Anything by James Scott Bell, Stein on Writing by Sol Stein, Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass, Self-editing for the Fiction Writer by Browne and King...there are many. I have a whole list of my favorites on the sidebar of my website under FOR WRITERS.  

What do you love most about your space?
I love the sunshine and the windowsill where my orchids bloom. I've always loved orchids, but this house is the first place, the light has been just right for getting them to RE-bloom.

What do you hate or dislike about your space?
Honestly, nothing! I just love everything about it! Well, I guess I wouldn't mind if our neighbor didn't park their trashcan RIGHT in my line of view. But other than that, this is really a perfect office for me!

What do you surround yourself with that isn't writing related but that helps you to enjoy your writing space?
My husband's and friends' art, lots of plants and blooming orchids, music to write by (movie soundtracks are the best!), and of course coffee!

What are you currently working on?
A new 5-books series for Abingdon Press. Home to Chicory Lane is the first book in the Chicory Inn series. It is finished except for the edit, and I'm working furiously toward my deadline with Book 2. I'm having a blast with these books that follow the children of an empty next couple who spent their retirement savings turning the family home into a bed and breakfast only to have their five kids return home in one way or another.
Thank you so much, Deborah for being a part of THE WRITER'S DESK blog series J
Thanks, Rhonda! It's a great idea and I'm delighted to have gotten to "play!"

1 comment:

CatMom said...

I really enjoyed this interview and photos. Deb Raney is one of my all-time favorite authors, and she's a sweetie too!
Thanks for featuring her, Rhonda!
Hugs, Patti Jo