Getting My House Back (Getting Started)

Day 1

I needed help getting my house back in order. Sometimes we all need help. My go to person for help was Michelle Matney. She is a super friend and a wonderful organizer, planner and overall "getter done" gal. She is creating a blog about all kinds of things to do with living on a farm and keeping a home in shape. I'll post her information as soon as she launches her blog. With her help, we came up with tools to help me get my act together. We talked about the Sidetracked Home Executives and The Fly Lady methods then came up with the following steps to get me started.  

Step one: Create a plan.
                My plan was to get my house in order while still writing, launching my card making business and making time to read. I didn't want to be focused so hard on cleaning my house that I forgot to do the other things. I am a Christian and so wanted to make sure that God was in my plan. The verse, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me." KJV, is the scripture I am focusing on. That's the Plan. Focus on Christ while focusing on my life.

Step two: Routines
                 I like the idea of morning and evening routines. So looked at both my mornings and evenings and created the routines that work best for me. My routines are simple and needed. They are short, 4 things to do in the morning and then 4 in the evening.

Step three: Don't forget to add my writing, cardmaking and other activities into my day.

So far so good. I've done my routines for 3 days now and I'm loving it.

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